
Westenergy refines waste into electricity, district heat and renewable materials.

Westenergy's operation area expands - Ekorosk becomes one of Westenergy's owner companies

Westenergy and Ekorosk have signed a contract that makes Ekorosk one of Westenergy's owner companies. The contract further expands Westenergy's operation area, and now Westenergy's operation area covers over 20 percent of the municipalities in Finland. Annually, approximately 200 000 tonnes of waste is refined into electricity, heat and renewable materials in Westenergy's Waste-to-Energy plant. 

On Tuesday the 17th Jan, 2023 Westenergy and Ekorosk have signed a contract that will make Ekorosk one of Westenergy’s owner companies. Westenergy’s other owner companies are municipally-owned waste management companies Botniarosk, Lakeuden Etappi, Loimi-Hämeen Jätehuolto, Millespakka, Stormossen and Vestia that are located in the western part of Finland. Previously Westenergy’s operation area was formed by some 60 municipalities but now that Ekorosk became one of the owners, Westenergy’s operation area covers some 70 municipalities in Finland which is over 20 percent of all the municipalities in Finland. Westenergy’s owner companies offer waste management services to some 700 000 people.


”I’m very happy that we finally got Ekorosk with us in this consortium. This makes Westenergy and the owner companies’ operation area more unified and stronger. Ekorosk has done a good job within waste management on its operation area for a long time, and complements, therefore, our owner basis very well.”, comments Westenergy’s Managing Director Olli Alhoniemi.


”Westenergy is a well-managed company that is a forerunner in its field of operation. By joining the owner basis, Ekorosk ensures an additional handling method for a part of the waste also in the future.”, comments Ekorosk’s Managing Director Michael Östman.


Westenergy has determinedly developed the usability and efficiency of the plant since the operation started, and this work has enabled the widening of the owner basis with a new company. Expanding the owner basis makes it possible to utilise the capacity of the plant in the best possible way also in the future, and together with the owner companies, Westenergy can react to the coming challenges within circular economy and create a cleaner and more sustainable future. 


Ekorosk is a municipally-owned waste management company that operates in Evijärvi, Kauhava, Kaustinen, Kokkola, Kruunupyy, Luoto, Pedersöre, Pietarsaari, Uusikaarlepyy and Veteli. The company is a forerunner within waste management in Finland.


Additional information: 


Olli Alhoniemi, Managing Director

Westenergy Ltd

Tel. +358 50 569 3337



Michael Östman, Managing Director

Ab Ekorosk Oy

Tel. + 358 6 781 4513
